Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Police Brutality against 15 year Girl

Ok I am going to turn the tables a little in this post and show a crime that was committed by police officers. It is unbelievable how abusive a police officer can get. Is this the first person these cops have attacked an individual or even worse a teenage girl? I believe that with these types of actions society is going to develop fear against the people who are supposed to protect us. How are we supposed to feel safe?  The legal system need to refine their system. This is not the only case presented to the public where the law enforcement gets physical towards an individual. Going back to the video, what reason did the officers have to assault this teenage girl? She was not resisting arrest or did she fight back. It just seemed to me that the officers began to get irritated by her attitude and hit her. Not only that but if its against the law for parents to spank their kids what right do they have to beat children that they do not even know? In my opinion, these officers should be fired.

Police Pass Escaping Robbers

I know this video is different from my previous posts but I thought I should share it with you. I thought this video was hilarious. I cannot believe what I just saw in this video. They blocked the car but didn't bother to look in it. Uuugghhhh LA police!

Here is the link to the video incase there is some problems.
