Sunday, January 30, 2011


My name is Lucia Ramos and I am a Psychology major at SFSU.  When conversing about crimes, individuals tend to be aware of crimes that the media makes a big deal of. However, are they aware of other crimes that is going on near them, near their families or friends or even across the the US? Crime is everywhere. I believe it is important to recognize the crimes going on around us. We need to be safe in our communities. We cannot only be conscious on crimes that the media exposes to the public.  I hope everyone that reads my blog realizes that what is going on in our area is a serious problem and allows us to open our eyes to help and keep ourselves safe when we are out in the world. Many people do not know what is really going on because the news only gives us selected stories but when reading the online news or the newspaper we are informed of additional crimes that can be affecting us and we do not even know it. Recognizing the crimes being taken place in our communities can help us take the initiative to live a safer life and keep ourselves and families protected from getting hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucia,

    I really like your blog. I think that your background is one that really sets the scene, so to speak, for your crime centered blog. The background makes me feel as if I’m watching a clip about the crime on the news, or as if I’m driving pass it on the street.

    I also like that your crime scene blogs are very diverse. They range from Black on White crimes, to racial profiling, to police brutality, to children murdering their parents, and even to some comical police slip-up posts.

    I like that you weren’t afraid to voice your opinion on how you thought certain cases should have been handled, like the one where the young woman castrated her father.

    You agreed that what she did was wrong and that she did deserve to be punished, but you also stated that she needed some psychological attention as well, which often goes overlooked when crimes like these occur, though psychological attention is most key in many cases.

    I also like how you picked out crimes that didn’t make the news. Some of these stories are important and newsworthy, yet these specific stories are not always covered in primetime news. I do agree that the media wants its viewers to think a certain way, and they feed its viewers certain news to help influence and control their perception.

    You have a very critical and controversial blog, Awesome job!
