Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Can we stop crime?

         Murder, rape, robbery, violence, pedophiles, sex offenders, drugs are one of the few crimes committed in this world. Crime is an issue that society wants to stop today.
  Is it possible to get rid of crime? No, I do not believe it is possible to make crime disappear. There are too many resources out there being provided to the public by individuals who have access to them such materials can be drugs, guns, and knives. What makes crime and why is it unstoppable? Crime is all over the world. Individuals who break the law can be someone who is angry, mentally ill, people on drugs or people who are drunk. It could even have been a violent crime that resulted in self defense. Other individuals who commit crime may come from a family where crime was always present in their lives and it is not out of the norm to repeat or continue to have the crime present in their lives. Crime can be perpetrated by anyone. Due to this, crime is always going to be around. Drugs, alcohol, violence, gangs, individuals with psychological problems and etc... is not going to go away. 
One example is Marijuana to which can lead to a crime. Marijuana is illegal to the majority of the people However, it is not illegal for those who have it prescribed by a physician for health reasons. From previous conversations, I learned that many people want to cheat the health care system. There are individuals that want a permit to smoke marijuana and who do qualify for the permit. However, even though they do need it for reasons like minimizing spasms but they also want it to get “high.” This can be just the start of a crime. This can lead to selling marijuana to communities or this can also be a start of a drug addiction that can lead to violence or death. 
Alcohol is another example. There has been a high death rate on drunk driving resulting in someone getting killed by a drunk driver or the drunk driver killing himself in a collision. Alcohol is legal and I believe is impossible to have alcohol disappear. Imagine alcohol being banned, if inmates in prison have access to resources to make alcohol, society has even more of an advantage to get the resources to make alcohol. Drunken individuals are capable of doing anything. Violence, unintentional homicide, and even suicide are just some actions that can be taken place following a high level of alcohol in their system. Crime can also happen when someone is desperate for alcohol and has no money for it. Robbing a liquor store or shooting someone for money are options for them. 
  Gang is an obvious word where we can see violence and hurt being an outcome of anything. Gangs are currently a big problem in society and in other countries. Death, rape, robbery, physical and verbal violence, drug and alcohol use are just some of the hobbies in a gang. As of today, it is known that gangs are actually spreading and going worldwide. That makes it impossible for us to stop gangs. Children are being killed, citizens are not able to rest in peace because they fear of being confronted with a gang member. Gang members provide drugs, alcohol, and weapons to our communities. This is contributing to the growth of violence.
Psychological instability I believe is one of the biggest contributers to crime. Many people are able to handle and take control of their emotions but others are not. People who are sad, depressed, desperate, or even angry are able to commit a crime if they are not able to control their emotions. All these emotions can lead to verbal and physical violence, or even murder which I see a big resemblance among a lot of the crimes committed today. Murder amongst spouses that is caused by jealousy, revenge, or even out of anger. Even among humans in general, anger related crimes such as hate crimes is a big factor of crime.

  These are just a few points that I made of leading causes to crime imagine the outcomes of other crimes being committed that is present in society today. We cannot stop these issues from happening. In my opinion, crime is never going to disappear. I believe what we can do is provide help to those individuals at risk especially the youth. Some help can be by creating programs such as mentorships and counseling. I believe starting with the youth would probably be a good idea. Teenagers are easily influenced today and be curious to try risky things. Future problems can be prevented by reaching out to them. After school programs, providing them with jobs where they can feel that they are important is a great way to start. When reaching out to adults, I believe that counseling is a good way to help. There are times when individuals get in trouble with the law there is a good chance that it was an outcome of a rough childhood or trauma in their lives so if counseling or psychological help is given to them it might be able to reestablish their lives. We might not be able to stop crime but we can prevent people from doing it. I do believe that there are ways to make a difference in society and this can be a start. 


  1. I agree that crime is never going to go away, but it’s not always because of alcohol or marijuana. Crimes like bank robbery or murders happen when people are much focused and have planned out plans to commit a crime. When people are consumed with hate and angry through out there lives they don’t function right and then they do stupid things like committing a crime. I don’t think most of the crimes out there are the result of consumption of alcohol and drug use. To me I think it’s more of psychological behavior over time that a person accumulates and then acts in a bad way.

  2. I don't think anyone thinks that crime will go away. It's like war, it's always been a part of human nature and always will remain. There will never be a Utopian society since there is so many people in this world and so many cultures and environments they are exposed to each day. It's just true and sad at the same time.

    From the factors you mentioned I think marijuana and gang are the two major ones because these give birth to other crimes that can span a wide area and spread to other countries and society. These other crimes can be rape, illegal smuggling or trading, ransom, murder, and other things. I do agree a bit with Andrey in that a lot of crimes are psychological but I do think drugs and having a bad childhood also can help trigger or worsen those psychological problems.

  3. Going off of what Andrey and AK said I agree that crime is more of a psychological issue. I believe that people are going to do what they want to do, and drugs and alcohol are just an excuse. In the 1920's the U.S. banned alcohol, and obviously that did not work, and I actually think that the banning of alcohol made things a lot worse. I do not think that there is anything wrong with alcohol or any drug for that matter, I just think that people are careless and irresponsible, but does that mean the rest of us should be punished, no. I believe that all drugs should be legalized not just marijuana, but all drugs. Not only would this make sneaking around not an issue, but the profit that the government could make off of the regulation would solve a lot of money problems. I know I sound like a drug addict saying this, but I am not, it is just something that my classes have talked about before.
    In regards to helping our youth I definitely agree that we need to be paying more attention to them! They are our future, and with all the cutting of costs, and programs we are only hurting ourselves. All I know is that if I have kids I will definitely be showing them the show intervention. If they played this in classes, no kid would be tempted to "play" around with drugs.

  4. I don't think there will ever be an end to crime. Nothing is perfect. There will always people looking to get rich quick. Human emotions like anger and jealousy have always existed and will continue to exist. As crazy as it sounds, I kind of feel like we need crime. In order for good to exist, there has to be bad. If there was no bad, then how would we know what good is? If there was no crime, what would all the police and military employees do for a living?
