Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3 Year Old Boy Kills His Mother?


This is a unique case but at the same time questionable. I do not think its possible to have a 3 year old hold a .9 mm glock gun which is a heavy gun for a 3 year old to hold and aim and unlock the safe from the gun (if it was locked) and fire all by himself. If the gun was unlocked then who unlocked it? Why wasn't the child stopped before he fired the gun? The recording from the dispatcher of the caller was a little questionable as well. As the spokesperson states the sound of the caller does raise questions. Just like the Body Language and Communication expert says that the father stated in the dispatch call that he "tried" to take away the gun from the boy. How are you gonna "try" to take something away from a 3 year old child. It's not hard. Also when they mention the fact that he was asking God why he was in "that spot." What spot is he talking about? He just seems really nervous about something. I agree with the expert and I would say that he is a good actor. Everything doesn't come together and doesn't make sense.


  1. i wasnt able to get that link to work...but from the sounds of it, i dont think it's physically possible for a 3 year old to correctly fire a weapon. Did it say if the child incurred any injuries? because at that age, without the strength you need to fire a weapon, there must have been some backlash when the child fired the gun.

  2. I don't want to say I don't believe the father was telling the truth, but I cannot even grasp the concept of how the child had gotten a hold of a gun, let alone take the safety off and shooting the gun. It's also mind-boggling how people are able to come up with stories to blame others for their crime. But if this father was lieing, how can he blame his own 3 year old baby? Really? That poor kid will have to life through the rest of his life thinking he killed his mother. The psychological damage the kid will have to face is going to be horrifying.

  3. After reading the article and watching the CNN clip, I definitely agree with your reaction. What in the heck was the father thinking of leaving a gun laying around where the toddler can find it? Children's minds aren't fully developed like adults. I also wonder how the safety latch was not on. Shouldn't these parents know about the safety of their kids to leave a gun laying around with the safety latch off? It's also puzzling how the father sounds on the phone. He could either be acting or telling the truth, but either way, it's the parent's fault for the mother's deaths.

  4. I agree with Amanda, how do you leave a loaded gun around your house with a child around? That is definitely not smart parenting. Children do not know better and this 3 year old definitely did not have the knowledge to know that you are not suppose to shot a gun. This is not the child fault. This is the parents especially the fathers.

  5. This post is interesting because I find it reasonable sometimes that toddlers may accidentally kill their mother or other family members. Long time ago, I remembered that I watched an episode of the original CSI and the case was about a baby who was murdered. Everyone assumed that the adults murdered the baby, but it was actually a toddler whose age I could not remember. The toddler was wearing a kitchen mitten and strangled the baby for fun, so it is possible that toddlers can murder their family members without toddlers knowing that they commit a murder.

    In this case that you posted, I think the father murders his wife and blames his three year old child because it is really impossible for a baby to unlock a gun as you stated. Also, I think it is possible for the father to take the gun away from the baby because he is bigger and stronger than him. I do not know why he says that he tries to take the gun way from the baby unless he wants to cover up the murder. This case has raised questions for me, too. How did the child get the gun? Where did he get it?
