Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Knoxville Massacre

I am very surprised to know that this story was not publicized by the news or media after an evil act like this that occurred in Knoxville. This is a big story! The actions perpetrated by these criminals were torturous acts and inhumane. Why wasn't this story known until along time after? Overall this story has hit the media not only of the crime itself but also because of the reason of why the public did not know about it when it happened. As one of the spokesman stated that this action could have been taken place due to anger. Why? How can humans hate this much. I honestly cannot understand how someone can torture, burn, and suffocate someone without feeling anything. Where has our communities come to? Where is it taking us? Anger is a very dangerous thing. It can even lead to mutilation just like in this story. WOW!  

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is sad that people have turned this into a race issue. I think that people have lost focus on the real issue that a horrible thing happened to two people who did not deserve it, it does not matter the color of the people who did the crime, or who received it. It was a brutal act, and the guilty should be punished accordingly!
